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Senior Team

Seneca Evercore is a partnership composed of a group of highly experienced individuals that believe that the best advice and solutions arise from constructive debates and engagements with experienced professionals.

reunião de negócios

Associate with people who are likely to improve you





With ample experience in capital markets and corporate finance, our partners have worked together for the past 20 years and are recognized as leaders in the M&A market in Brazil.

Timeline time - versão limpa 2024_edited
Seneca Evercore Logo Branco

The information contained in this website is solely for information purposes and should not be interpreted as an offer, recommendation or investment analysis. Seneca Evercore does not sell or distribute securities.

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2277, 19º andar  

São Paulo - SP, 01452-000



Tel: +55 (11) 2039-0600

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